Editing GPS Startup Options
The configVars.txt file that comes in the zip file with the GPS holds a short text string that tells the GPS how to configure itself when it is started.
The default text in the file is "alphaValue=0&openCode=MG&coordMode=xyz&refreshDelay=200". In order for the GPS to be able to correctly read these options, they have to remain in this format. The values after the = signs can be changed, but there can't be any spaces or returns, otherwise the GPS won't correctly read the options. The values for the different options need to be between the = and the & signs.
- alphaValue - This controls the transparency of the background of the GPS. The value should be between 0 and 100. The default value is 0, which makes the GPS background completely transparent. A value of 100 is completely opaque.
- openCode - This is probably the most complex option to set. Not only will it allow you to speciy which panels of the GPS are open, but also what order they appear.
Possible values are 'M', 'G', 'C', 'T', 'S', and 'O'.
Using any other letters may cause unpredictable results. The default code is MG which signifies the Main panel and GPS panel are the only ones open at startup.
- M - represents the Main panel, and is always be the first letter in the code. If it's not, the GPS can act unpredictably.
- G - represents the GPS panel.
- C - represents the Coordinates panel.
- T - represents the Trace panel.
- S - represents the Saved Traces panel.
- O - represents the Options panel.
The order of the letters in the code dictate the order the panels appear, from top to bottom. For example, a code of MCGO will open the GPS with the Main panel, the Coordinates panel, the GPS panel, and the Options panel open, in that order.
- coordMode - This controls how the coordinates are displayed in the Coordinates panel. The possible values are 'xyz', 'latlon', and 'dist', the default being 'xyz'. A value of 'latlon' will make the coordinates display as Latitude/Longitude values, and 'dist' will show the distance from the active Trace, or the coordinates 0,0,6000000 if there isn't an active trace.
- refreshDelay - This sets the refresh delay in miliseconds (thousands of a second) between data refreshes. The default value is 1000, or one second.